Born in 1970, I started taking pictures in 1997 in Turin. At the beginning I used mainly black and white films, doing the printing by myself in my own dark room. From this early formative experience comes my actual attitude to photography, i.e. complete control of each step in realizing pictures, care for quality, patience and continuous research. My early work dealt mainly with reportages and landscapes, chiefly city environments. Later on my professional experience shifted to fashion and wedding services and my personal interests led me on to stage photography and industrial archaeology. In four years I realized three personal exhibitions with my production on the previous subjects.
What I love to do is to follow step by step all the day through, starting on the initial preparations and trying to focus on the details of the most significant moments. Although I still take the indispensable classical wedding pictures, I also care for the less formal aspects, where I can better express my photographic style. My experience in different photographic fields give me hints on how to take pictures out of wedding photo standards. Both digital and film cameras, with small and medium format, are employed in order to reach the best results in every situation.